
From The Saab Tech Wiki
Revision as of 00:16, 20 September 2011 by Mbcullen (Talk | contribs) (Spam)

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The SAAB wiki is built using media wiki, and a simple text markup language is used to format articles.

Information about the various types of formatting is available at the following links.


In order to make the wiki more usable for everyone, please use a clear and simple writing style. Don't use big words when small ones will work just as well. When writing tutorials, assume that the person reading it has no prior knowledge of the process, and include all of the information that will be necessary in order to complete the task.

Editing an Existing Page

  1. Click the edit button at the top of the page.
  2. Make your changes in the editing window.
  3. If you are making a minor change such as correcting punctuation or spelling, click the "This is a minor edit" radio box at the bottom of the page.
  4. To view your changes as they will be rendered, click the Show Preview button at the bottom of the page.
  5. To Save your changes, click the Save Page button at the bottom of the page.

Creating a New Page

  1. Create a link to the new page.
    1. Select the page that your new page will be linked from. For example, if you are creating a page about the sound system for the OG9-5, a good page for the first link would be the main OG9-5 page.
    2. Click the edit button.
    3. Select the appropriate category to add your link to. If it doesn't fit any of the existing categories, it may be necessary to reorganize the categories, or create a new one.
    4. Create a link to the new page.
      1. For information on how to create a link, consult this site: Links
    5. Save your changes.
    6. You will automatically be taken to the page that you were just editing.
  2. Edit the new page.
    1. Click the link to your new page.
    2. Click the create button at the top of the page.
    3. Add information to your new page.
    4. Click the Save Page button at the bottom of the page.


When uploading images, ensure that they are in the public domain or that the wiki has permission to use them. Image names should identify the pictures and whatever group they are part of. Upload the largest version of an image that is available. The wiki will automatically create smaller thumbnails for inline use in articles.

Poor image naming: 
Good image naming: 